M/S Alpo current position
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Ultimate voyage to Normandy
We are now living in a time of increased militarization in our continent. M/S Alpo is sailing towards the French coast for the third time with the aim of once again making history and remembering the importance of past events in ending the war. The objective of the Convoy is to bring together people who enjoy boating and escort M/S Alpo back to Normandy.
We wish that hundreds of ships will accompany M/S Alpo.

Convoy to Normandy
To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy, the new owners of M/S Alpo's want to organize a big convoy of ships. The convoy lands to Normandy 80 years after the Normandy landings. We wish that hundreds or even thousands of ships and boats will participate in the Convoy along the way.
We organize events in each harbour we stop by, together with local yacht clubs. We will gather people and ships together for the trip to Normandy. We wish to reach hundreds of thousands of people in the events, the main event, and through the media. This huge project is organized by three Finnish business men Markku Kankaala, Martti Haapala and Jukka Juola.
Team behind the trip




Route to Normandy
M/S Alpo departs Oulu (Finland) on
April 27th and reaches Le Havre (France)
by June 5th. After that, we head to Caen, where the celebrations will be held from June 6th to 10th.

Landing Commemoration Day
On June 6, 1944 and during the long summer that followed, soldiers from all over the world came to fight in Normandy to defeat Nazism and re-establish freedom. Normandy will bear the scars of the moment in history forever. Every year, the veterans of the war are remembered and paid tribute to on this commemoration day.
The 80th Anniversary is a unique opportunity to celebrate freedom and reconciliation. The festival offers over 100 events, including concerts, parades and exhibitions. The festival will be held along the entire coastline of the D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, including the iconic sectors of the five Beaches, where the Normandy Landings took place.
- Impressive commemorations and ceremonies with world leaders
- Flyover and skydiving shows on the coast of Normandy
- Museum visits in France
- Exhibitions of military equipment used in the Normandy landings
- Meeting new people & sharing the moods of unity, gratitude and awe
M/S Alpo
Alpo is a ST-335 tugboat that participated in the Battle of Normandy on June 6th, 1944 and took part in the 60-year Anniversary celebrations in 2004.
Now Alpo has been restored to its past glory to be ready for D-Day voyage starting on April 27th, 2024 from its current home harbour Oulu.
M/S Alpo is preparing for his third landing in Normandy. The ship has been taken good care of to make the trip possible. Thousands of hours of voluntary work and over €500,000 has been spent for the renovation of the ship.
journey to normandy
The Normandy journey was full of different milestones, and the entire journey was remarkable.
In an interview, one of ship owners, Martti Haapala, talks about it.
You can choose a different language translation for the video on YouTube.

On the way
to Normandy,
you will experience
- The freshness of the sea air
- the authenticity of a ship that exudes history
- a sea opening up as far as the eye can see
- the rising and setting of the sun
- the waves of the sea creating wonderful art
- dining on the open sea, with seagulls calling
- if luck favors, see a gray seal or a porpoise or a bay whale or a white-beaked dolphin
- perhaps hear the sounds of the underwater world
- company of interesting guests
how to participate?
by donating
funds to Ukraine
Now you have the opportunity to support Ukraine by donating via the UNITED24 website or using a QR code below.
Funds will be used for the defense of Ukraine.
You can support this cause by donating via the UNITED24 website, using a QR code, or making a corporate contribution.
Payment information (PDF)

Package details:
- Logo visibility on the website
- Logo visibility on board MS Alpo in presentation stand
- Logo visibility in events during the trip
- Withdrawals to social media with the content of the partner company
- Possibility to participate in events and D-Day celebration at separate costs
Contact for inquiry:
Captain Janne Leinonen
+358 50 368 2287
See info and instructions:
Історичний буксир M/S Alpo продовжує благодійну подорож, збираючи допомогу для України
UNIAN - In Ukrainian - Після чотирьох днів перебування у порту міста Кан, команда M/S Alpo вирушає у завершальну частину благодійної подорожі назад до Фінляндії, продовжуючи збирати гроші на підтримку ЗСУ та вітати гостей на борту історичного буксиру.
Історичний буксир M/S Alpo продовжує благодійну подорож назад з Нормандії до Фінляндії, збираючи допомогу для України
1+1 MEDIA - In Ukrainian - Сьогодні, 10 червня, після чотирьох днів перебування у порту міста Кан, команда M/S Alpo вирушає у завершальну частину благодійної подорожі назад до Фінляндії, продовжуючи збирати гроші на підтримку ЗСУ та вітати гостей на борту історичного буксиру.
May 29th 2024, Greetings from the North Sea.
For a while we noticed on the radar that the German warship F223 was following us. We talked about how safe it is to travel when there is a warship convoy.
Greetings from Mariehamn
We have arrived 10.5 in the idyllic and sunny eastern harbor of Mariehamn. Mariehamn shows us its most beautiful face. The people here have welcomed us with open arms and dozens of guests have come to get to know the ship and the crew.
Frequently asked
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